Start using it for free

Explore your future living space within seconds!
AI-powered 3D modeling feature generates an exact representation of your apartment, providing a virtual canvas for your creative vision.

Instant 3D Apartment Modeling:

Discover an extensive collection of furniture and decor from a curated selection of approved sellers.
Effortlessly browse through a wide range of high-quality products and find the perfect pieces to complete your interior design.

Fill Your Space with Approved Sellers' Products:

With a lightning-fast photo generation feature, you can view your interior design in the correct light and colors.
Share it with friends, family, or professionals for feedback and inspiration.

Generate Life-Like Photos in a Flash:

Say goodbye to hassle. Make secure payments directly within the app and conveniently book a delivery date that suits your schedule.
Enjoy a seamless shopping experience from start to finish.

Convenient Payments and Delivery Booking:

Whether you're looking to redecorate, renovate, or simply add a touch of style to your home, ArtMind AI empowers you to design and furnish your space with ease.
Dive into the world of interior design and create a personalized haven that reflects your unique taste and lifestyle.
Start using for free
ArtMind AI is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.
Design a 3D home in minutes. Buy everything right in the app.
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